The Leaf by Tera Blue
Complete Street Design
Pedestrian -Centric || Bicycle track || Multi Utility Zone
The Leaf - Terra Blue is a housing project consisting of villa plots. Here we have started with designing the street on an existing 12m road which is separated into a 7m carriageway, a 1.2m bike lane and a 1m pedestrian walkway.
The Concept for the compound walls is directly borrowed from Gabion walls with vertical Corten steel slabs incorporated within the compound wall perimeter and green walls incorporated in an alternating sequence, which is in line with sustainability and the "Green" ideologies and building approach of the builders whose name is Terra Blue.
The Compound walls act as a perforated barrier between the residences and the road to maintain a better air flow as opposed to solid walls which would not allow permeability and the compound wall would also help in avoiding water accumulation within the residential perimeter.
The pedestrian walkway consist of planter base made out of Corten steel and an outline of Terracotta bricks. The tree grates are made of Corten steel as well.
In essence this is a "Complete street" design. Complete Streets is an approach to planning, designing, building, operating, and maintaining streets that enables safe access for all people who need to use them, including pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists and transit riders of all ages and abilities.